It's very serious! Your son is going to be an Engineer

Are you an Engineer just like me? When have you noticed that you're different? Share your funny Engineering role-model stories from when you were a kid!


The most spectacular examples of wide load transports

Transport or logistic professionals and engineers cannot afford any kind of surprises when dealing with wide load transports. Everything has to be measured.

7/3/2015Mario Honrubia

3D Printing Design: How to Become a designer overnight and for free

3D printing design: All you need to become a 3D printing designer yourself is a digital model of the part that you are willing to produce.

6/30/2015Mario Honrubia

Determining a ship's longitude via crowdsourcing: a 1714 experiment!

Scientists and navigators were already dealing with how to determine a ship's longitude, so the Longitude Act immediately gained attention.

6/22/2015Mario Honrubia

Reduce shipping volume for blades in maritime transportation

You can help a leading company optimise blades shipping volume by creating a different stacking/layout and then to redesign the transport toolkits.

6/16/2015Mario Honrubia

Fighting failure by opening up the manufacturing process

If consumers and outside forces where involved in the creative process, failure rates would decline. This is why we need to go from creation to co-creation.

6/15/2015Mario Honrubia

How decentralized manufacturing is helping GE

We are helping real firms turn their projects into reality! Join our industrial engineering challenges and enjoy a unique opportunity to make money!

6/15/2015Mario Honrubia

New Challenge: Alternatives to Metal Parts Prototyping

Participants' mission is to find new technologies, such as 3D printing or others, to reduce cost and lead times in manufacturing prototypes.

6/12/2015Mario Honrubia

Alternatives to Lost Wax Smelting: new challenge with Indra

We are looking for an alternative manufacturing processes to lost wax smelting or an alternative lost wax smelting suppliers around the world.

6/12/2015Mario Honrubia