Automation in Logistics: An Unstoppable and Useful Tech Trend

A few years ago, some visionaries said that automation in logistics would be complete. Time has proven that those predictions were too optimistic.

9/29/2016Mario Honrubia

Shape your Future during the Afterwork

It is commonly known that people these days will not work for a single company forever. It is never to late to increase your self-growth as a professional.

9/27/2016Mario Honrubia

Top Engineering Student: Ramón Rodrigáñez

Today we wanted to tell the story of Ramón Rodrigáñez, a second year master's degree engineering student that is currently studying at Columbia University.

9/21/2016Mario Honrubia

Clean Energy with Water Use Reduction in South Africa

This is a solar thermal technology plant, the first built in South Africa, which has started to commercialize. It is called Khi Solar One.

9/20/2016Mario Honrubia

FDM: One of the Keys for Stratasys Success in 3D Printing

Stratasys is an American company that takes advantage of new technologies using different materials such as plastic in their speciality: 3D printing.

9/15/2016Mario Honrubia

Crowdsourcing Benefits: Space is the Limit

Social networks make possible the immediate feedback. This is how collaborative efforts are born, using the crowdsourcing to favor development.

9/13/2016Mario Honrubia

Influential Innovators: Elon Musk

Engineer, inventor and serial entrepreneur, founder of Zip2, PayPal, SpaceX, Tesla Motors, and Hyperloop, Elon Musk was born in South Africa in 1971.

9/7/2016Mario Honrubia

Water Recovery Cooling Tower Process (12K€ in Prizes)

The company wants to find a water recovery system that goes from the cooling tower at a reasonable cost in order to reduce the water consumption.

9/6/2016Mario Honrubia

Engineering Innovative Solution for San Francisco Railways

It is commonly known that public transportation, especially subways, is loud. But San Francisco's BART has implemented a new engineering innovative solution

9/6/2016Mario Honrubia