Goublue is a Spanish startup whose proposal offers an answer to this new mobility paradigm through a car sharing solution for companies, hospitals, etc.
ACCIONA and ennomotive are looking for startups with digital technologies to solve renewable energy challenge in the IMNOVATION program.
9/27/2019Mario Honrubia
ACCIONA and ennomotive have launched 3 startup competitions in mining to help with the safety of workers and reduce the environmental impact.
9/24/2019Mario Honrubia
The ecological footprint of cities is huge and a growing environmental problem. To counter this problem, smart cities appear to be key for sustainability.
9/18/2019Mario Honrubia
Shutdown App is a cloud-based platform composed of a mobile and web application which allows to generate online reportability of maintenance tasks
9/10/2019Mario Honrubia
Read this article about EV focused Lithium and Lead Batteries with Stunning Performances using Tailored NanoCarbons like graphene.
9/4/2019Mario Honrubia
Mine tailings are used to produce glass but they need to be reprocessed to eliminate impurities. Turn this waste into raw materials for the glass industry.
8/27/2019Mario Honrubia
linuxCustomizer is a website that provides a platform for Linux users/companies with the ability to customize and manage their Linux image pipeline.
8/21/2019Mario Honrubia
Imuzeze Usidame wrote this article about an Analog To Digital Converter (ADC) With TDMA Communication For Analog Energy Meters Automation and Conversion.
8/14/2019Mario Honrubia