2 Packing Systems for Tubes in the Steel Industry

To give you an idea of the solutions implemented in the steel tube industry, here are 2 types of packing systems that already perform this task.

4/11/2017Mario Honrubia

Drone Applications: From Package Delivery to Life-Saving

Over the years, we are witnessing the rise of drone applications, as varied as package delivery, accident-mapping or graffiti painting.

4/10/2017Mario Honrubia

Helena Navas: Inspirational Engineer

Today we wanted to introduce you to Helena Navas, professor at the Science and Technology School of Universidad Nueva in Lisbon, and researcher at UNIDEMI.

4/5/2017Mario Honrubia

3 All-Terrain Robots Almost Too Good To Be True

Here are 3 new all terrain robots able to handle all kinds of surfaces that are almost too good to be true. Check them out!

4/4/2017Mario Honrubia

3 Inspection Technologies in Different Industries

Today we want to introduce you some of the latest improvements in inspection technologies, which come from very different industries

4/3/2017Mario Honrubia

2 Automation Solutions for the Food Industry

With the rise of cobots, robot prices are not as high and automation solutions are more affordable to implement in a previously existing process.

3/30/2017Mario Honrubia

Alberto Frias: Studying Engineering Abroad At PUC Chile

Alberto Frias is a Spanish young engineering student at Pontificia Universidad Católica in Santiago de Chile and today we wanted to share his experience.

3/29/2017Mario Honrubia

A Pipe Inspection Camera & Other Technologies

There was a need to improve the pipeline draining. New technologies to carry out the inspection of pipelines has appeared, like this pipe inspection camera.

3/23/2017Mario Honrubia

Home 3D Printers: Why You Need One Now

The innovation and materials getting to be less expensive and more open to home clients are making possible for home 3d printers to hit the market hard.

3/22/2017Mario Honrubia