Cooling of car electronics is necessary to avoid damage since high-temperatures reduce their lifespan. Participate in the challenge!
Chile has become a Latin American reference for mining innovation, which was possible thanks to a governmental boost through the Start-up Chile incubator.
⚙️ Engineering principles: Have you ever solved a complex problem using basic engineering principles? That is the case of Anatolii Artamonov, read more.
Mine tailing dams are the storage place for mine waste materials that can be very toxic. Mining companies are trying to make them more sustainable.
4/3/2019Mario Honrubia
GTEC converts the temperature difference that occurs between Hot Deep Underground and Cool Shallow Ground, into Renewable Electricity with a Heat Engine.
4/1/2019Mario Honrubia
Compared to gasoline and diesel, Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is the most cost-efficient and clean alternative to fuel power vehicles.
3/27/2019Mario Honrubia
An attractive alternative to the electric car is the use of hydrogen for electric energy production on board: a hydrogen fuel cell car.
3/20/2019Mario Honrubia
Here are some tech challenges that usually emerge from the building of a space probe and the technology necessary to overcome these barriers.
3/13/2019Mario Honrubia
Fiberglass is a widely used material that became popular in the past few years. Here are the different uses of fiberglass in the automotive industry.