An attractive alternative to the electric car is the use of hydrogen for electric energy production on board: a hydrogen fuel cell car.
Here are some tech challenges that usually emerge from the building of a space probe and the technology necessary to overcome these barriers.
3/13/2019Mario Honrubia
Fiberglass is a widely used material that became popular in the past few years. Here are the different uses of fiberglass in the automotive industry.
Nanotechnology caused a revolution in the Materials field because the handling of materials’ internal structure had never been performed: Nanomaterials.
2019 has already started and we cannot be more excited. We have listed 5 amazing engineering projects from 2018 but there are more. What are your favorites?
2/5/2019Mario Honrubia
The future of batteries. Ennomotive contacted the engineer Vivek Nair to learn about his experience and the future of batteries/carbon capture sectors.
1/4/2019Mario Honrubia
We have contacted Fernanda to learn about his experience and the future of polymer nanocomposites. Here you can read the full interview.
12/19/2018Mario Honrubia
The most significative innovations and efforts in Material Science for the future will be to reduce the environmental impact of mining operations.
12/11/2018Mario Honrubia
OPTIBLANKS: Hybrid EMAT-Vision solution for OPTIMISATION of advanced manufacturing process of automotive tailor welded BLANKS.
12/3/2018Mario Honrubia