The proposal of this research is to combine the hybrid renewable energy system of solar, wind and thermal power plants to achieve maximum overall efficiency

This week, you can read about the experience of the IPS Spain team that made it to the top two in the Mercamadrid challenge.
11/6/2017Mario Honrubia

The marine energy is a very viable non conventional renewable energy that is in growth and has to Chile as one of its bigger potential producers.
11/3/2017Mario Honrubia

The trend now is to reduce waste, but sometimes the process doesn’t allow more optimization and still generates waste, which calls for waste recycling.
11/2/2017Mario Honrubia

This smart city challenge will accelerate the maintenance and repainting process of the street lights and traffic lights.
10/30/2017Mario Honrubia

The first geothermal plant in South America opened this march and its power reaches the 48Mw, which is equal to the consumption of 166K houses every year.
10/25/2017Mario Honrubia

Masisa's goal is recycling wood scraps so that it is possible to create a new product that integrates Masisa’s offer to its customers.
10/25/2017Mario Honrubia

The last engineering challenge was solved by Rami Boutassghount and Justo Mercado, who brilliantly gave us a solution for the Tolerance in Steel Challenge.
10/24/2017Mario Honrubia

The last engineering challenge was solved by Rami Boutassghount and Justo Mercado, who brilliantly gave us a solution for tolerance measurement in steel.
10/23/2017Mario Honrubia