Regain the LED Tube Light - Reckon Green

Manufacturing this kind of LED Tube Light with Plug-in-Drivers and 2-way power input to extend life of the lamp, simplify installation and much more.

7/6/2017Mario Honrubia

Digital Temperature Control System - Eco-wand ComfoMeter

Ecowand is a temperature control system that measures room temperature and humidity into a computer. It has been design for easy manufacturing.

7/6/2017Mario Honrubia

Mobile Robot Navigation System - Movel AI

Movel AI builds the next generation of mobile robot navigation system. This tech is based on advanced computer vision, sensor fusion and motion planning.

7/6/2017Mario Honrubia

Wind Power Generator - Vertical Axis Turbine

This vertical axis turbine is a renewable and sustainable solution, based on a very low-cost wind power generator to pursue the targets of the 2030 Agenda.

7/6/2017Mario Honrubia

Autonomous Solution for Distribution - ROVER ADV

Autonomous solution for distribution that will spare users the tiresome task of pushing heavy loads around the warehouse.

7/5/2017Mario Honrubia

Tweel, the 3D Printed Airless Wheel

The tweel was presented the last week in the global summit of sustainable mobility in Montreal called Movin’On organized by Michelin.

7/5/2017Mario Honrubia

Optimize your Time with this Airport App - Paperplanex

Paperplanex challenges the current status quo with this airport app, by truly engaging passengers and increasing revenue at retailers.

7/4/2017Mario Honrubia

The Wind Energy Storage System that Will Change the Game

The low capacity of energy storage is the main curb for renewable energy. That’s why science is devoting great efforts in wind energy storage systems.

6/13/2017Mario Honrubia

New CMOS Technology Incoporates Graphene for the First Time

There has been attempts to replace the silicon with other materials, but it was impossible to combine them with the CMOS technology until now.

6/12/2017Mario Honrubia