Electric Self-Consumption: Virtual Power Plants (VPP)
Written by Gerdo Dalhuizen
Gerdo Dalhuizen is the winner of one ennomotive challenge. He has expertise in the conventional energy generation field and wrote this article for himself.
Figure 1: Scheme of a VPP and its services. See more.
With the new Directive 944/2019 and the new Regulation 943/2019, both of 5th June, and the European Parliament and Council, the role of aggregators has been significantly pushed forward. Specially Article 17 of the Directive asks for the member states' permission and participation encouragement of independent aggregators. This regulation should be implemented in the Spanish regulation before the end of 2020 so that independent aggregators can start operating in Spain. A VPP can generate value through the monitorization, prediction, optimization and dispatching of the generation or the consumption, thus balancing fluctuations in generation (renewables) and consumption of controlled units. One big enough VPP can provide the same service than conventional power generation plants or (big) industrial consumers, and can operate in the same electric markets or sell services to the system operator.
With the Spanish Royal Decree RD 244/2019, of 5th April, most limitations to electric "self-consumption" and collective consumption enforced years ago were eliminated. The integration of the installations of the "supply method with electric self-consumption with surplus" in the Spanish power network will be one of the most important boosts for the creation of Virtual Power Plants (VPP) in Spain. Virtual Power Plants will have an important role in the energy transition since it supports the policies stated on the Royal Decree-Law 15/2018, of 5th October, the integration of renewables, sustainable mobility, and energy efficiency. VPP will also answer many proposals included in the report "Expert Comittee for the Energy Transition. Proposals and analysis for the decarbonisation" of March 2018, specially the ones for the role of networks in future energy case-scenarios and the ones for a fair energy transition. In this article, we will discuss how different self-consumers could be integrated, together with other energy generators and consumers (if necessary), in Virtual Power Plants and what services VPP can offer to the different electric market players.Electric Self-Consumption in Spain
The first regulations about electric self-consumption in Spain started in 2011 with the RD 1699/2011, of 18th November, that "announces the future and upcoming regulation of the electric power supply generated within a consumer's network for their own consumption, which will encourage the electric self-consumption". In said RD, a 4 month period was established to take to the Goverment the royal decree proposal whose goal is to regulate the administrative, technical, and economic conditions of the electric power generated within a consumer's network for their own consumption. However, with the RD 900/2015, of 9th of October, most of the electric self-consumption initiatives were halted by imposing the "Sun Tax". It wasn't until the RD 244/2019, of 5th April, when most limitations to electric self-consumption and collective self-consumption were eliminated.Virtual Power Plants
A Virtual Power Plant (VPP) is a newtwork of:- decentralized energy generation units (e.g. wind plants, solar pannels, cogenerators, etc.)
- flexible energy consumers
- storage systems, managed by a demand aggregator.

With the new Directive 944/2019 and the new Regulation 943/2019, both of 5th June, and the European Parliament and Council, the role of aggregators has been significantly pushed forward. Specially Article 17 of the Directive asks for the member states' permission and participation encouragement of independent aggregators. This regulation should be implemented in the Spanish regulation before the end of 2020 so that independent aggregators can start operating in Spain. A VPP can generate value through the monitorization, prediction, optimization and dispatching of the generation or the consumption, thus balancing fluctuations in generation (renewables) and consumption of controlled units. One big enough VPP can provide the same service than conventional power generation plants or (big) industrial consumers, and can operate in the same electric markets or sell services to the system operator.
Independent Aggregator Services through a VPP
The services offered by the independent aggregator are like the management of one part of the network, and can be of interest for the different electric market players:- Prosumers
- Generators
- Consumers
- Storage systems' owners
- Power companies
- Electricity distributors
- Transmission system operators (Red Eléctrica Española)